Tuesday, August 15, 2006

BBC 1...2...3...

as i was driving home last night around 11:30 after a poker game, i was listening to NPR. normally around this time they play classical music, but instead it was the BBC Worldwide News. the very british correspondents were reporting that the ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel was still intact despite mortar fire from Hezbollah during the night. i thought about three things.

one: the british radio reporters and correspondents reported the news, both about the fighting in the middle east and the raids in Birmingham (a predominantly Muslim neighborhood in London) stemming from the bomb plot, as if they were having tea and discussing the weather. no emotions either way. I found this interesting, unsettling and refreshing. once one story was over, they quickly moved on to the next. There was no, "boy Martha that sure sounds like it would suck to live in Lebanon. thanks for the report." spiel after the story as our media tends to do ad nauseam. i liked that.

two: i read somewhere that the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah finally was agreed upon by the US and France. what?! are Israel and Lebanon sitting at the kids table? i think if you have the ability to bomb the bejeezus out of a few cities and revert a neighborhood to Krakow circa 1944, you should have a seat at the main table and demand (even if you don't get it) the drumstick! perhaps i'm wrong, but i think Israel and Hezbollah should be the ones "agreeing" on a ceasefire.

three: while i was listening to BBC Worldwide News, i thought of all the hipsters that would be so proud of me, especially todd.


Blogger Toddy said...

First of all, I would be proud of you if you KNEW WHAT TIME THE BBC WAS ON EVERY NIGHT, not just happened upon it. That would be impressive.
Secondly, what is "hipster" about knowing shit? It seems like you are throwing that "hipster" term around in a derogatory way, and I want to know how being an informed citizen of the world somehow gets me defined in a derogatory way. The BBC World News Hour comes on at exactly 9 AM every morning here in New York. I get to listen to about half of it, then I get a little bored and I go to work. Usually I eat a hot dog bun slathered in olive oil and salt before I walk out the door. Damn. Hipster.
And C, Lebanon and Israel are not at the big boy's table BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO BE THERE. Don't you read history? Don't you read books about the state of the Middle East? Don't you listen to the BBC? These two countries, while wildly different in stature, financial and military might, are two of the most complaint ridden, parasitic countries on the face of the earth. The Lebanese complain to the French who complain to the Iranians who complain to the Russians and Chinese who complain to the U.N. The Israelis complain to themselves and then complain to the U.S. who turn around and bitch about the U.N. Sitting at the adult table? Are there any adults in the room? First of all Arabs are tribal and their blood lust for retribution is something on the order of 75 years old in this theater alone. The Israeli's are so fearful, they have a standing policy of overwhelming and massive retaliation for any infraction. Are these adults?
I keep playing this this scenario over and over in my head and I can't see a way out. I can't even support either side, they are both so fundamentally retarded.
A ceasefire brokered by the Lebanese and Israeli government would have as little effect as the ceasefire brokered by the U.N.
We just have to sit and wait for the next round of bloodshed.
And considering the depth of the existential nature of the confrontation, different for both sides but with equal volume, we will not see the end of this anytime soon.

Main table indeed.

Damn! Are you trying to say you are not a hipster? Please. Last time I saw you you were wearing a trucker cap.

12:39 PM  
Blogger benji said...

yeah, but it was your trucker hat i was wearing.


9:28 AM  
Blogger Toddy said...

heh heh.
Was it the one that says Montauk Point?

4:28 PM  
Blogger benji said...

i think it's the one with the indian on it or says something like "indio". can't remember. it was sweet though.

8:39 AM  

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