The New Intellectuals

my beautiful glowing wife
I just thought I would share this since I'm so freaking proud of her. Doesn't she look amazing?! We went to our first "baby" class last night. Actually it was our second class, but this time the instructor actually showed up which was a bonus. It was kind of funny. We were pretty excited to go to class, thinking of all the wonderful things we were going to learn. Then this happened:
Instructor: you actually don't need to take this class. Nature will run its course whether or not you've taken some class. Women have been doing this since the dawn of time(ok, that last part was paraphrased)
Skyla: good thing we paid $85 so that she could say that.
Me: Yeah, but does nature tell you what to pack for the hospital?
Skyla: good point. You are a genius(ok, that last part was paraphrased).
so that was funny. We like to laugh together, which I think is the key to any successful marriage. But I digress.
the first class wasn't that informative, it was basically an overview of the class and what we'll be covering for the next 4 weeks. Like "pain", "medication", "breathing", "pain" & "medication". I think they should just say "sweet sweet epidural". Skyla's totally looking forward to that. I'm interested in finding out what the positives and negatives are concerning an epidural. I figure if there weren't any negatives, doctors would be handing out epidurals like it was candy and as my wife always says "YES, PLEASE!"(about epidurals, not candy). just something I'm interested in.
at the end of class she offered up a relaxation technique that we could all use in the birthing rooms. I think it was the visualization technique. she started by playing some soft lulling music, then asked us to close our eyes. She then began reading a very descriptive scene on an empty beach, how the sand felt on your feet, the sun warming your face. she had this great irish accent and I was totally falling asleep. Then Skyla started laughing, or was it me? there we were giggling together. my guess is we won't be using that technique.
all in all, it was an ok class. yeah, we're totally ready for this baby now....
Skyla looks beautiful. Way to go, Benj.
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